Please read the following terms and conditions for playing and being involved at ICA Sportzworx Stepney.
If you require clarification on any details provide below, please speak to Matthew Rees, Manager of ICA Sportzworx Stepney.
Have Fun
Even though our seasons are a 'competition' that include semi and grand finals it is about having fun.
Our indoor sports are a social sport, and we provide an opportunity for teams to enjoy a level of fitness whilst having fun with their team mates. We promote a fun, healthy, family friendly environment.
Competition Details
Our social competitions run all year round as 3 separate seasons. Games are not played on public holidays and we close for two week break over the Christmas and New Year holiday period.
Finals are run over two weeks, with the semi-finals being held the week after the end of the minor round. The semi-finals are 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd. They are a knockout, with the winners of each semi-final competing in the grand final the following week. Round one of each new season is played on the same night as grand final night and teams participating in grand finals have the result of the final count as their round one game.
Games Fees & Registration Fees
Team Registration $26.00 per season
Netball Teams $92.00 per game
Soccer Teams $68.00 per game
Cricket Teams $98.00 per game
All registration fees are paid online when you register your team for each season.
All teams must register each season in order to receive a game time.
Online is the only method available to register your team.
All game fees are payable prior to the game or on the night of the game (see payment options below)
As team organiser, when registering your team you are accepting all of the terms & conditions listed on behalf of your team, this includes agreeing to be the team's account holder.
Fee increases
Game fees were increased in June 2024 (they have not been increased for 11 seasons).
Previous game fee increases were in April 2017 and April 2021.
Registration/Nomination Fees had not been increased until April 2020, then increased by $1 June 2023
Registration Fees
All teams are automatically carried forward into the next season. However:
You need to advise us if you do not wish to continue with at least 2 weeks notice
All current teams must:
complete a registration form prior to the beginning of the next season
payment of the $26 registration fee is paid when the registration form is lodged
update contact details for team organiser(s)
even if contact details remain the same a registration form is required, you are signing and accepting the terms and conditions for each season on behalf of your team
nominate the account holder (see below)
New teams must also complete the above process
If a new team has joined the current competition within 6 weeks prior to the new season commencing, the team will:
need to register for the new season online
be required to pay the $26 registration fee when registering
receive a $26 credit and this will be applied to the team's first game fee of the new season
Please ensure all details are correct and valid i.e. email addresses and phone numbers. Players and organisers are contacted via email and SMS by ICA Sportzworx Stepney.
Click here to go to register your team.
Team Account Holder
The team organiser/captain will be assigned as the role of team Account Holder. This means that the organiser will be responsible for any future outstanding fees for that team. Please note the following:
No one will be given the role of account holder unless permission is granted by the person becoming the account holder. This is done when teams are registered and the terms & conditions are agreed to
Permission is granted by completing the online registration form prior to each season.
A team organiser cannot nominate another person to be the account holder, unless permission is granted by that person
Account holders need to login into their profile (via Spawtz) to
pay the team registration fee
set up their profile
if a profile is already set up, the next time the account holder logs in, they will be asked for their card details
Account holders will be charged the full game fee automatically on the day of the game.
All card details are stored with a secure payment gateway provider and ICA Sportzworx Stepney will never see or store those details
Account holders will receive an email notification if any payments have been processed
It is the Account holder's responsibility to seek reimbursement from players for their game fees
Organisers/account holders and players can view their team statement at any time via their logins
Payment of Games Fees & Registration Fees
All game fees are payable prior to your game starting. The team nomination fee must be paid at the beginning of each season. Management reserves the right to exclude teams from the competition and/or finals who have not paid registration or game fees and/or have outstanding debtors.
If a player or team does not pay for their game, players and/or teams will be banned from the arena as management's discretion. In some cases your team's fixtures may be put on hold or for extreme cases your team will be asked to leave the competition.
A list of payment options are available here
Debtor and Team payments via your Spawtz Login
To log into Spawtz please click here, to make payments you:
select the green button MAKE A PAYMENT FOR THIS BILL
select the fixture fee you are paying for
add in the amount you are paying
then you will be directed to a secure payment gateway to finalise the payment
An email will be sent to yourself and ICA Stepney to confirm the payment(s) made
Anyone who has a login can make payments towards their team.
If you are having difficulties with your login please contact us. To have your details added to ICA Sportzworx Stepney's Spawtz database (where you can access the team statement, fixtures, ladders etc.) Please complete this form and we will set you up. You will receive an email from noreply@spawtz.com to set up your login.
Non payments
Any teams who do not pay their:
full game fee on the night of their game will have 3 points deducted from their Team's Premiership points.
Teams will receive -2 points if their registration fee is not paid prior to their first game.
NO excuses for non payment will be accepted.
points will not be credited under any circumstances.
finals will not be played by teams who have negative points the week prior to semi-finals
management reserves the right to ban repeat offenders
all rules and decisions are at the discretion of ICA Sportzworx Stepney's Management
Management reserves the right to ban players and/or teams for non-payments of game fees and/or debtors..
Players Details
We require all player's full name, mobile and email address. This information is added to your team profile within the Spawtz Database.WHen a team is registered the team captain has an option to add in players details. Otherwise it can be done later. These details are required to provide a login for each player. Each player will receive an email from noreply@spawtz.com then they can set up their profile where they can view team information, advise player availability, pay game fees and much more.
To provide your player's details, so that we can add them in for you, please use this form.
Your Profile Login
Click here to visit our "How To" page where you can access processes on how to use your profile to manage your team. If you are a player your profile is important for access to your team.
Promotions and Coupon codes
Unless otherwise stated all promotions and coupon codes are only applicable to all new bookings and/or new teams nominating to join a season.
This policy contributes to the physical safety and hygiene of our players and staff and related to all indoor sporting activities held at the arena. Please read these rules and inform your team mates of them to ensure your team complies at all times. All sports players must comply with the following:
All Jewellery must be removed. No jewellery is allowed to be worn whilst on the court.
This includes all piercings. The only exception to this rule is a flat wedding band or a Medic Alert bracelet which has been taped to the satisfaction of the umpires and management.
No singlets or sleeveless shirts are to be worn on court. This is for hygiene reasons with the use of bibs.
Hair must be tied back neatly.
Tops must be of the exact same colour or the exact same design & colour worn by all players.
Bottoms do not need to be the same for all players.
All clothing must be of a sporting nature (i.e. casual street wear with zip pockets can be extremely dangerous and is not permitted).
If stripes are the team’s preferred uniform for tops and/or bottoms, every player must be wearing the same variety of clothing.
Jeans are not permitted to be worn on court.
Fully enclosed sport shoes are to be worn on court at all times (slip-on varieties are not permitted).
Breach of any item within this uniform policy will result in a penalty subtracted from your team’s score.
All personal information provided to ICA Sportzworx Stepney is solely used for the purpose of team nominations, registrations for events, to be able to contact you and/or your team.
From time to time ICA Sportzworx Stepney will communicate with players via email which will directly relate to seasons, games, times, rules etc. and on occasions some marketing material will be sent to players.
You have the option to unsubscribe from any marketing emails, but please be aware you might miss out on relevant fixture/game/season information if you unsubscribe.
Player Behaviour
Please remember that this is a social sports arena and teams come here for a recreational, fun game of sport. We ask all teams to ensure that all players behave in the appropriate manner when on and off court. This will ensure the highest level of enjoyment for everyone involved. If a team contains players who are not playing in the right spirit, Management, in consultation with team captains, will take the appropriate action. Remember to:
Participate according to your own needs
Play by the rules
Respect the decisions of officials
Never argue with an umpire
respect umpires undergoing training
Be a good sport
Treat all team players as you would like to be treated
Co-operate with team-mates and umpires
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all players
Positive comments are motivational
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities
Dealing with Officials
Players are here to enjoy their game and we encourage our umpires to assist players as much as possible to develop a better understanding of the game.
As our umpires predominantly umpire on their own, it can be difficult for them to answer questions while the game is in progress. If any player on court has a query with a decision then the player, accompanied by their team captain, should approach the umpire during any of the quarter breaks, in a manner that is not confrontational. The umpire will then do their best to assist you with your query.
If players are sent from the court, they must leave the court immediately and sit out the duration of their penalty without comment to the umpire. If abuse is displayed by any player sent off, they will have their penalty increased. In any cases where the behaviour of a player requires further action, management will consult with umpires and team captains to decide the appropriate course of action.
If a team as a whole is continually violating the rules and standards their place within the competition will be reviewed. We also expect team captains to assist in controlling their spectators. We welcome spectators at all times, however, any abuse aimed at our umpires or other players will not be tolerated, and the offending spectators may be asked to leave the premises.
You play at your own risk
It is recommended to all players source their own personal health insurance cover that is sufficient for their needs.
Anyone who plays on our courts do so at their own risk.
Game Times
All teams will receive an SMS to advise their game time. This SMS is sent to the team organiser(s). Teams must respond to the SMS with their team name to confirm their availability to play.
All game times are available via our website heading "fixtures". Register your team onto this system and you can log in regularly to check your game times. You can also add your games to your calendar. However, please note that if your game time changes your calendar will not update automatically (it must be updated by you).
We endeavour to meet specific requests for your game times due to work commitments. Please note this is not always possible and teams also need to provide some flexibility regarding game times, rotation of times and fairness for all teams involved in the relevant night.
Team Forfeits
If your team gives more than 24 hours notice, there is no forfeit fee
If you team gives less than 24 hours notice the forfeit fee is the team's full game fee (see game fees above)
Your team will have a forfeit registered and you will lose points for that game.
Teams are required to play all games that they are scheduled for throughout the season, including all late games. Should your team forfeit any of the last games for the evening, you will be required to pay a forfeit fee. We realise that these games are usually not preferred by teams to have to play, but without these games being played we do not have enough spots to fill the competition.
We make sure that all teams receive a draw with a spread of times and that no team is disadvantaged by more late games than others (unless requested). We are aware that, at times, unforeseen circumstances prevent teams from giving the proper cancellation notice. However, we are available to assist your team at late notice in finding players if the team is short. We would also like to remind teams that wherever possible management will be required to rearrange games when forfeits do occur, and your co-operation when this happens is greatly appreciated.
Team debtors such as forfeit fees or non-payment by individuals or the full team are payable at your next game. Any teams who do not pay for their game will have their fixtures stopped until all payments are received or a payment plan is arranged and adhered to. If in the case of non-payment your team could be banned from the arena.
Please note that if you change your team name, players change, or your team skips a season all team debtors are still payable and must be finalised before you play any games.
The first four (4) rounds of each season are classed as grading games. This is essential so that teams are placed within a grade with teams of a similar standard. At the conclusion of these grading games your team will be placed into the grade we feel best suits your team’s skill level.
At the end of these grading games we give your team your program, which contains the grade your team will participate in. All points already received from these grading games will be carried into the grade your team plays in. We hold the right to adjust the grade of teams if they have been graded incorrectly after this period.
Qualifications for Finals
A player must play a minimum of 3 games for the specific team in order to qualify to participate in finals. Any wins on forfeit will automatically qualify players for one game providing they had already played a game for the team prior to that forfeit occurring.
Game Rules To view cricket, soccer and netball rules, please click here