and student free days
Book your OSHC kids in for some school holiday fun. No experience required just some energy!
We provide the facilities and Junior Sport Coaches for your OSHC kids to enjoy a structured sports program which includes Cricket, Soccer, Dodgeball, Netball and other activity games.
Available from Monday to Friday each school holidays including the 3 weeks during July and also student free days.
Dates that are available, are listed on the booking form. We are flexible, so please ask us if you have any specific date and/or time requests.
Your program will run from 10.00am to 2.00pm or 11.00am to 3.00pm and
we can cater between 14 and 60 children.
Mondays are highly recommended for OSHC Excursions with over 60 kids.
Your school will have exclusive use of the arena and be able to use all 4 courts.
We encourage OSHC and PE staff to get involved and have some fun too.
The cost is $17 per child (+GST)
The program is open to all junior and primary school students
Includes all games, equipment, programs and coaches
We have a safe, all-weather, air conditioned indoor facility
We will never cancel due to bad weather
The kids will experience many sports and games
Our junior sport coaches cater for children of any skill level
All staff have a current Working with Children Check
A program is provided for each excursion
Kids will need to wear sports shoes and bring their recess, lunch and a drink bottle (drink bottles will not be refilled)
A lunch option is available for $9.00 per child:
Hot Dog
Pop top juice or can of soft drink
Please let us know at the time of booking if you would like lunch included
A lunch order form will be provided to you 1 week prior to your excursion
Gluten free sausage rolls are available if advised in advance
Policies & Statements
To read our privacy policy, risk assessment, risk management, view our insurance certificate and child safe environments compliance statement, please go to our policies & statements page