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If you cannot find the answer to your questions, please email us or call 8362 8808.

ICA Sportzworx Stepney is a 4 court indoor sports arena, conveniently located at Stepney, South Australia

How do we register our team each season?

You need to login in to your Spawtz Profile and click on register a team. Your current team will be listed so you can re-enter your team into the next season. A $25 registration fee is payable at the time of registration. No games will be scheduled for teams who do not pay the registration fee each season.

Why do we have to pay a registration fee each season?

The registration fee is confirmation for all teams to join the next season. This covers the administration involved in setting up team fixtures throughout the season.

How do we nominate a new team?

You need to login in to your Spawtz Profile and click on register a team. A $25 registration fee is payable at the time of registration. No games will be scheduled for teams who do not pay the registration fee each season.

Why do you need our mobile number and email address?

We need to have 2 methods of contacting teams organisers and players and the team organiser's mobile will be used to SMS game times for confirmation. All email address are added into the Spawtz software so that team organisers can notify and co-ordinate their players via email.

Players details are important to co-ordinate availability, payments, communication and finals qualifications.


On occasions you may receive mini surveys to assist us with feedback and to improve our services. We will also occasionally send promotion emails only for ICA Sportzworx Stepney events. If you remove yourself from this email you will not receive team updates. We promise not to bombard you with unnecessary emails.

How do we provide our player's details?

You can complete a players details form and their details will be added to your team profile..

Does our team have to wait until next season to join in?

No, your team can join in at any time during a season. Please do not expect an immediate fixture it may take a week or so to process and start you within a particular division. If you join after grading has been completed, we will need to see how you go for a couple of weeks before any changes are made to your division.

What if our games are in the wrong division?

Some teams may be placed in a division that is either too hard or too easy. We will monitor all teams with regard to the division allocation and teams will move divisions as required. If you would like to notify us of your skill level, we can accommodate your requests at the time of your nomination but please note that you will still be included in the grading process.

Why do game times change on the day we are playing?

Given your team has nominated to play sports each week, we try to make this happen for you. If a team has advised us of a forfeit with late notice, we then try to match other teams to play the opponent who hasn’t forfeited. We will call you to advise that the other team has forfeited and either say there is no game available for your team or offer you a new time and opponent (or it could be at the same time).

How do we know what time we are playing?

Your game time is “live” on our website Fixtures Page. You will also receive an SMS message with your game time a minimum of 3 days prior and your team organiser must respond to this SMS message to let us know you are confirmed for your time. No confirmation can result in us cancelling your game. Teams who regularly do not respond to the SMS message will be penalised and in extreme circumstances asked to leave the season.

How do we forfeit?

You need to let us know as soon as possible that you plan to forfeit by contacting us:

SMS - 0413 366 680                Phone - 8362 8808                    Email -

What is the forfeit fee and when is it payable?

The forfeit fee is your full game fee if you forfeit within 24 hours before your game time. Your forfeit fee must be paid and will usually be paid on the day of your game via your team captain/team organisers automated payment. If for some reason it is not paid, it is payable at your next game.

When are game fees payable?

The full game fees must be paid by both teams before any games will commence.  The game is only paid in full by one person on the team. Usually the team captain / team organiser. This an automoated payment set up when you register your team for the season.


If you are short players you still need to pay the full game fee, it is not a per player fee.


Another option is to let us know and we can organise an invoice for the full season to be emailed to you. This is a great option for businesses/employers who pay for your games (obviously at their request).

Do we have to pay for fill-in players

The game fee is payable for all indoor sports regardless of how many people are playing. If you have fill-ins they can either pay for themselves or you pay on their behalf.

Our team has debtors owing

We will remind you regularly if you have a debtor payment due. You must either pay that debtor immediately or arrange a payment plan with us. We will also invoice the team organiser prior to the semi finals, if your team has debtors. If you don't pay money owing you won’t be playing in any of the finals. Your best option is to pay all game fees and registration fees when due. 

In unfortunate cases, debt collectors will be engaged to collect debtors owing.

Why can't our game time be the time we prefer each week?

We encourage you to advise us of your time preferences to allow for your restrictions with work and family. It is unfair however to demand that you play at a certain time each week.


If you let us know of a time preference we will add these details into your team profile. Given the number of teams that play each night and the number of preferences we receive it is not 100% guaranteed that your preferences are perfect for your team every week.

We try to meet everyone’s needs but there must be some flexibility from all teams on some occasions. Sometimes the time preferences will just not work out for everyone.


Please remember don’t commit to a night of sports if you have other regular commitments or at least remember to let your team organiser know so they don’t have to go crazy organising the team!

It feels like our game times are always suiting other teams?

Some teams forfeit so we try to match the opponent with another team so they don’t miss out on playing sport that week. That is why we call you to see if you want to change times. No teams are allowed to put in a request to change their game time within 24 hours of their scheduled game time.

How often will we get a bye?

This cannot be determined exactly but we always distribute bye's evenly. Some nights are very full and no one likes late games so we do have bye teams each night.


You may be called to say a team has advised us of a forfeit and there is now a game available for your team.  It is then your choice whether you want to play or not. Please note that if you say yes to playing instead of having your bye and then don’t turn up for the game, a forfeit fee will apply.

When can we request a change in game time?

All fixtures can be viewed via our website Fixtures Page. You can look ahead and then advise us of any difficulties ASAP. The only time fixtures are not available in advance is coming up to the finals and the first couple of weeks of a new season.


You are also notified via SMS of your game time, please respond quickly and we may be able to make changes to the fixtures. In most cases we will need to wait until everyone else has confirmed their games. Your team will not be allowed to request a change in game time within 24 hours of your scheduled game. Not all requests can be accommodated.

What  happens if our team owes money?

We will remind you each week if you have a debtor payment due. You must either pay that debtor immediately or arrange a payment plan with us. We will also invoice the team organiser prior to the semi finals, if your team has debtors. If you don't pay money owing you won’t be playing in any of the finals. Your best option is to pay all game fees and registration fees when due.

Click here to see all payment options available.

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