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Last updated 11th July 2022
Please keep up to date with the current restrictions for South Australia.
If you feel unwell, please do not attend any activities at ICA Stepney
Face Masks are optional
Capacity numbers are:
no longer restricted
- Adhere to 1.5m social distancing
- We may be indoors, but have plenty of space for everyone to abide by the social distancing rule 1.5m
COVID Marshals continue with
infection control practices are followed (sanitising, washing hands, cleaning)
ensuring people are social distancing and comply with the 1.5 metre rule
ensuring density requirements are adhered to
Please continue to:
Wash your hands regularly and use sanitiser
Avoid touching your face and eyes
Maintain social distancing
when you are a spectator
waiting for your game to start
with our staff
waiting to purchase at the bar and kiosk
using bathrooms
entering and leaving the arena
If you are unwell, please do not come in for your game or training or any other activity
Play fair, respect all players, umpires and staff
Avoid contact as much as possible during your game
We are ensuring we comply with all Government and Health guidelines and protocols and are ensuring our customers and players are comfortable and feel reassured when visiting the arena.
Other updates:
COVID Marshals have been required since 21st August 2020
spectators are allowed and are required to maintain 1.5 m social distancing
stay home if you are unwell - this is important. Give us notice and we can get fill-ins for your team
arrival and exit procedures are different to provide 'one way traffic' and the details are outlined below
we are cashless - only accepting online payments or eftpos at the kiosk and bar
all team registrations are completed and payable online via our Spawtz software by the team captain
game fees are payable in full and by the team captain prior to each game. Once your team is registered via Spawtz, your game fee will be automatically paid via direct debit on the day of your game
all bookings will continue to be made online (court hire, birthdays, school holiday clinics, OSHC etc.) please call or email to check days/times or you can book direct online
change rooms and showers are available
water bottles will not be re-filled by staff and we do not allow you to do this via the bathrooms either
if you are unwell, we have a thermometer available for use and you will be asked to leave and follow relevant protocols
After your game, the bar is open upstairs on Monday and Wednesday nights.
Please respect our staff and your arena:
Please abide by the all guidelines, protocols and arrival/exit procedures
Use the hand sanitiser available at the entrance
No water bottles will be re-filled at the kiosk, please purchase or bring extra water with you
- Do not share water bottles, towels or any other personal items
- Respect others - please do not panic or judge others if they sneeze or cough
- Cough/sneeze into your arm/elbow and wash your hands / use hand sanitiser
- Dispose of your tissues, bottles and rubbish in the bins and recycling bins provided. Our staff do not need to pick up after you!
- Please wash your hands prior to and after your game/activity
- Practice good hygiene all the time
- Respect our staff who have to ensure everyone is safe and abiding by the Government's rules
Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please contact us:
Facebook: message us
SMS: 0413 366 680
Phone: 8362 8808
Email: info@icastepney.com.au
Our staff and their procedures
High contact points such as basins, benches, dispensers, hand dryers, door handles, eftpos machines, buttons are cleaned and sanitised regularly.
All our bathrooms are checked often to ensure a steady supply of soap – with good hand hygiene being the simplest yet most effective safety measure we can all undertake.
Our kiosk is cleaned frequently throughout the day and evenings.
We have always had a stringent approach to food safety and hygiene including the use of gloves, kitchen utensils and hand sanitiser.
Increased cleaning of all equipment and surfaces in customer areas.
Staff will be wearing face masks.
All staff are required to ensure all customers adhere to the current restrictions
play nice & enjoy your sports
respect and treat people the way you expect to be treated
have fun!